Friday, February 9th, 2024 News

新萄京娱乐 welcomes the passage this week of groundbreaking workplace legislation that will provide a pathway for long-term casuals to become permanent employees and provide world-first minimum standards for gig economy workers.

A new right for workers to disconnect outside of normal working hours is also a step in the right direction.

The Closing Loopholes No. 2 Bill passed by the Senate on Thursday will ensure workers who have for too long slipped through the cracks are covered by workplace laws.

These sensible reforms are an important step in building a civilised national workplace that values all of its participants.

For too long businesses have been able to avoid providing basic minimums for many workers by treating them as independent contractors. Such avoidance tactics are now no longer permitted.

These new laws recognise the contributions of freelance, contract and casual work across the economy and their worth to the communities they serve, and will provide new rights and standards for workers who have been left behind by the mainstream industrial relations system.

We all know that the creative industries have always been riddled with job insecurity.

新萄京娱乐 is committed to working with government and industry to make sure these reforms can be used to improve the working lives of workers in the media, entertainment and arts industries.

We congratulate the Albanese Government and Workplace Minister Tony Burke in steering these reforms through Parliament, and the productive efforts of cross-benchers in making them a reality, particularly Senator David Pocock and the Greens.

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